Welcome to the House of McDonnell Session, where you can see the finest Irish Traditional Music being played, every Friday night.
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Here is a photo of this historic old Bar.

The use of Traditional musical instruments is what gives any Session in Ireland its unique sound, so our choice of instruments reflects our geographic location, here on the N. E. coast of Ireland, where we look out across the sea to the Scottish Highlands & Islands.
On any Saturday night then, the Traditional instruments you will hear will include the Fiddle, Melodeon, Harp, Mandolin, Anglo Concertina, Tenor Banjo, Tin Whistle, Bodhran & often Uilleann Pipes.
On any Saturday night then, the Traditional instruments you will hear will include the Fiddle, Melodeon, Harp, Mandolin, Anglo Concertina, Tenor Banjo, Tin Whistle, Bodhran & often Uilleann Pipes.
If you are coming to the Causeway Coast area of North Antrim and you play or sing, then why not come along & share your music with us, at our weekly session in the House of McDonnell, Ballycastle. We'd love to meet you & swop some tunes, songs & crack. You'll find us in the House of McDonnell every Friday night.
However, extra Sessions also occur, especially during the summer months, when visiting musicians are in the area, so if you are passing through on another night, please do get in touch, because we are often able to run an extra session & we'd hate to miss you!
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This is your host, Tom O'Neill behind the Bar which just oozes character & olde worlde charm .... as does Tom himself.
Now you know why the local folk call this bar Tom's!
Now you know why the local folk call this bar Tom's!